Sunday, January 22, 2012

Here We Go

Hello all! Welcome to my blog on my travels abroad. A special thanks to my father, Steve Obaid, for the blog title, inspired by a recent viewing of the classic Casablanca (Sorry Jessie, kARABIC mOBAIDrocco seemed a bit overkill).

I will be using this blog to update family and friends on my whereabouts, experiences, and reflections. At this point it is unclear what internet access will be like, but I hope to semi-regularly post pictures and updates.

I will be leaving the country tomorrow afternoon to spend a few days in Paris, adjusting to time changes, reacquainting myself with french, meeting up with friends, and exploring. My program officially begins on Sunday the 29th, where we begin with a week of orientation before being placed in homestays.

Talk to you on the other side of the Atlantic!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karin!
    Loving the background so far. And the title. Did Carly spoil the ending for you??

    I bet you're somewhere over the Atlantic now!

    Update often!

    Your Devoted Follower,

    P.S. I think I have to comment using my AIM screen name... Embarrassing. Please note the creative capitalization.
